May 13, 2024

As the autumn breeze turns crisp, now is the most important time to plan for an energy-efficient winter. Many older homes and buildings still have inefficient winter heating systems installed years ago before more advanced and efficient heating options. From old boilers to heating systems that are past their expiration date, you could be losing energy and expense just keeping warm through the winter.

Fortunately, there are also many energy-efficient heating options you can plan for. Join us on an exploration of the many ways to efficiently stay warm, from modern heaters to smart thermostats. We’ll be sharing how to create a cosy and environmentally friendly winter abode.

Efficient Heating Systems

What makes heating solutions efficient is the use of less fuel for more heat. Proper distribution of heat can also contribute to heating efficiency. Modern heaters work more efficiently than heaters designed 20+ years ago, and newer heaters tend to be more efficient than older units that have already given their best years of performance.

Smart thermostats allow you to fine-tune exactly when your heater runs to achieve optimal home comfort. Programming a smart thermostat can ensure that your home is warm when you get home from work, but isn’t running the heater when the house is empty.  It can automatically cool down the house for sleep and even adapt to weather forecasts.

Zone heating uses localised heating units to warm individual rooms or areas of the house.  This can allow you to keep just one or a few rooms cosy without expending energy to heat unused rooms.

Renewable energy options such as geothermal heating offer unique solutions to staying warm without burning fuel.

Home Insulation and Sealing

The next step is to properly insulate and seal your home. A house that effectively traps heated air will stay warm and cosy for much longer and require less overall heating fuel.

You can DIY your home insulation by sealing cracks and window panes with caulk, replacing weather stripping on doors and windows, and hanging heavier curtains over windows and walls can all help your home stay heated.

You can also hire a professional service to add insulation in harder to access areas. Your roof, crawl spaces, and the finish on your garage interior can all be professionally improved to minimise temperature leaks and improve your winter heating energy efficiency.

Programming Your Thermostat for Efficiency

Whether you have a smart thermostat, a programmable thermostat, or you are ready to stay on your thermostat adjustment game, you can enhance your heating solution efficiency with a little winter heating strategy.

  • Ideal Temperatures
    • Determine the most efficient temperature range for your household. In the winter, this is usually somewhere between 18 and 20 degrees C. You can also raise and lower the temperature throughout the day.
  • Scheduling
    • Use your own schedule to inform the thermostat. Schedule cool nights and warm mornings. Schedule the thermostat to heat less while the household is away at work or school. Knowing your schedule can really boost efficiency.
  • Optimising Energy Use
    • Make decisions that minimise your heater’s efforts. This can include keeping interior rooms well-insulated so you can get cosy without paying to heat the whole house.

Using a programmable thermostat allows you to quickly punch in your ideal temperatures, schedule, and more. 

Supplemental Heating Solutions

There are also many less energy-consuming ways to stay warm besides your household heater. These alternative or supplemental heating solutions make it a way to enjoy that shift between a warm blanket and the cool winter air.

Consider solutions like electric blankets, space heaters, and even radiant heating in floors and countertops. You can also make a room warmer by adding a few rugs, lining the draperies with thermal curtains, and adding draft stoppers under certain doors can also make a positive difference to your warm comfort at home.

Long-Term Energy Savings

By improving the quality and recent installation of a new HVAC system, you are investing in long-term energy saving. The choice of energy-efficient appliances will ensure that your home needs less electricity to stay warm for years to come. You can also benefit from government incentives for certain high-performing heating solutions.

The first step is to conduct an energy audit, evaluating both the insulation quality of your house and the right HVAC system selection for your home.

Stay Cosy This Winter with Astley Electrical

Astley Electrical is proud to share our favourite tips for keeping warm and energy efficient all winter long. Contact us for a professional heating assessment and professional services to improve the heating profile of your home.